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Episode # 376: All The Leaves Are Golden

Life On Tap Episode #376: All The Leaves Are Golden (Union Street Brewing Company All The Leaves Are Golden, German-style Festbier)

Picked up while on vacation, Dan cracked All The Leaves Are Golden, a German-style Festbier from a Catskills’ local, Union Street Brewing.

Union Street Brewing Co. All The Leaves Are Golden

STYLE: German-style Festbier
ABV: 5.1%
AVAILABILITY: 16 oz. cans/Draft (Seasonal)

Stats above taken from the brewery’s can and website.


Medium gold in color with a thick, fluffy, white head.


Toasted bread/biscuit leads and is so inviting.


Biscuits and crusty bread with a hint of earthy hop to balance.


Dry, with soft carbonation and light to medium mouthfeel.


This brew helps evoke that autumnal mindset and reminds me of fall activities. Pairing-wise, German beer hall food is what I was craving, so bring on the brats, spaetzle, etc.

Cheers and remember:

Life’s a tap…drink up ’til it’s dry.

All music on this show came to us from the now defunct Music Alley.
Intro: “Meet Me At The Bar” by The Beer Drinking Fools
Outtro: “Bubblegum and Beer” by The Supersuckers

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