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Episode # 398: Spiderland

Life On Tap Episode #398: Spiderland (Strangebird Spiderland - Kentucky Common)

Dan cracks an uncommon style from a recent haul: Kentucky Common, in the form of Strangebird Spiderland hopped with Palisade.

Strangebird Spiderland

STYLE: Kentucky Common
INGREDIENTS: Pilsner, Crystal 65, and Chocolate malt, flaked corn, rye; Palisade hops
ABV: 6.0%
IBU: 15
AVAILABILITY: 16 oz. cans/Draft (Rotating)

Stats above taken from the brewery’s can and website.


Deep, dark amber with a mahogany-tinted, very fluffy head.


Hints of chocolate mixed with spices, likely from the rye’s presence in the malt bill.


Tremendous malt profile with chocolate and spice notes continuing along with bread crust, and finishes with a pleasant minerality.


Medium body/mouthfeel with soft carbonation.


I don’t get to have Kentucky Commons that often, so I am thankful for this one. Food-wise, I was in the sandwich zone, with either a hearty chicken or roast beef. Dessert-wise, I would want something gingerbread-flavored for sure.

Cheers and remember:

Life’s a tap…drink up ’til it’s dry.

All music on this show came to us from the now defunct Music Alley.
Intro: “Meet Me At The Bar” by The Beer Drinking Fools
Outtro: “Bubblegum and Beer” by The Supersuckers

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