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Episode # 400: King Elizabeth

Life On Tap Episode #400: King Elizabeth (Torch & Crown Brewing Company King Elizabeth - Transatlantic Barleywine)

Dan shares his thoughts on Torch and Crown’s King Elizabeth, a “Transatlantic Barleywine”, blending both American and English variants.

Torch & Crown Brewing Co. King Elizabeth

STYLE: Transatlantic Barleywine (my nomenclature to denote the blend of the American and English variants)
INGREDIENTS: English malts; American hops
ABV: 13.0%
AVAILABILITY: 16 oz. cans (Limited)

Stats above taken from the brewery’s can and website.


Super deep/dark amber with a small tan head and some incredible lacing on the glass.


Malt-forward, with fruitcake, brown sugar, dates, and other dark/dried fruit and a hint of booziness.


Dark fruit continues, with dried dates and plums at the forefront, providing some notes also similar to a quad. This is followed by brown sugar and dark molasses, though the hops that were used must be balancing that sweetness.


Medium weight/body with a super-smooth mouthfeel, coating the tongue.


I LOVE that this is named after the brewery cat…the label is truly adorable. If you can get your hands on this, I recommend drinking it over the course of a night or share with others. Pairing-wise, a lot of different ways are possible, but dessert-wise I was feeling a lush carrot cake. Savory-wise, I want something super-rich in flavor like a spicy tagine dish, thick cut of steak, or braised beef with strong flavors. This would also pair with a medium-bodied or slightly stronger cigar as well.

Cheers and remember:

Life’s a tap…drink up ’til it’s dry.

All music on this show came to us from the now defunct Music Alley.
Intro: “Meet Me At The Bar” by The Beer Drinking Fools
Outtro: “Bubblegum and Beer” by The Supersuckers

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