While visiting Wild East, Dan saw and immediately ordered Temperance, a dark mild, which he also brought back home for some malty goodness. Wild East…
Dan seeks some summertime refreshment with local NYC’s Torch and Crown Brewing Company’s Stoop Beer – Mosaic. Torch and Crown Brewing Company Stoop Beer –…
Dan meets (and tastes) Threes Brewing Vliet’s edgier big brother, Super Vliet, as part of a recent lager binge. Threes Brewing Super Vliet STYLE: Can-conditioned…
Care of a pick-up following his visit to Wild East, Dan cracks open Subtle Reference, a foeder-aged Czech-style Pilsner collaboration. Wild East Brewing Company Subtle…
Dan pops open a new Suarez Family Brewery pale ale, Look No Further, as part of his last shipment until the fall. Suarez Family Brewery…
Dan tries a German Pilsner collaboration between Halfway Crooks and Threes Brewing, Outside In, as part of summer celebrations. Threes Brewing Outside In STYLE: German-style…
Dan seeks refreshment in Threes Brewing Gender Neutral, an American Pale Lager with Lemon Zest to wrap up Pride Month. Threes Brewing Gender Neutral STYLE:…
Dan found and pops an unlikely bottle: Strange Roots Experimental Ales Harvesta, which blends local malt and Gold Rush apples for the brew. Strange Roots…
Dan delights in The African Queen And Her 7 C’s IPA from Liquid Intrusion Company care of an intro from Greg and Doug of Brothers…
Dan enjoys the super complex Plum Basil Farmhouse Ale from Liquid Intrusion Company care of an intro from Greg and Doug of Brothers In Booze.…